
Christ-centered • Hands-on • Engaging

Students spend their day moving around, creating, exploring and interacting while learning. Our small class size (capped at 16) provides many opportunities for differentiation and one-on-one time with the teacher, allowing students to have their individual academic needs addressed. In addition to developing academics, kindergarten focus on developing servant-leaders to equip them for life.


elementary (1st-5th Grade)

Biblical • Nurturing • Informative

Our elementary classrooms offer a fun and engaging learning environment. Language arts and math education combined whole-group instruction and small-group focused learning. We offer learning support and enrichment opportunities to meet the needs of all learners. Character development is an integral part of everything we do. We desire to shape both the outward behavior and the heart of each child.


Middle SchooL (6th-8th Grade)

Explorative • Equipping• Encouraging

NCS is a great place for students to navigate thought the tricky middle school years! Personal, caring relationships with fellow students and teachers provide an environment where students grow academically and spiritually. Courses are challenging and designed to build critical thinking skills. Leveled math courses allow students to learn at an appropriate pace and enter high school at and advanced level. STEM education is integral to our curriculum as well as studies in history, Bible, English, Science, Spanish, and more which offer students engaging and hands-on learning opportunities. Extracurricular sports, student government, drama, math and science opportunities for students to get involved and learn by doing.


learing support

Individualized • Supportive • Enriching

We are so blessed at Nittany Christian School to be able to offer learning support for our students who may need extra enrichment and support. Our learning support staff are an integrated part of classroom learning. They meet students’ needs with small group and individual instruction.

In addition to our in-house learning support staff, NCS welcomes workers from the Central Intermediate Unit #10, or  CIU10. Throughout the year they provide services in speech, reading, enrichment, learning support, counseling, occupational therapy, and math.